APEX Plug-in


The APEX Media Extension APEX plug-in requires Oracle APEX 18.1 or higher.

The AME plug-ins are relying on a PL/SQL package (ame_api_pkg which is a synonym for ame_api20_pkg) that needs to be compiled first.

To make the package available, go into SQL Plus, SQLcl, SQL Developer or SQL Workshop and run the SQL Script ame_db_pkg.sql which you find in the db directory of the zip you downloaded.

Alternatively, you can run the install.sql file which will install some additional packages which show case how to use AME from PL/SQL.

If you imported the AME Sample App and ran the Supporting Objects, the packages are automatically installed.

Import and plug-in Attributes

Follow these steps to import the plug-in in your application:

  1. Access your target Workspace
  2. Select the Application Builder
  3. Select the Application where you wish to import the plug-in > (plug-ins belong to an application, not a workspace)
  4. Access Shared Components > Plug-Ins
  5. Click Import >
  6. Browse and locate the installer files in apex/region_type_plugin_be_apexrnd_ame.sql)
  7. Complete the wizard.

Follow these steps to finish your Plug-in installation by adding your Plug-in API key:

  1. Login into https://www.apexmediaextension.com
  2. Copy your API key from the Dashboard
  3. Access your target APEX Workspace
  4. Select the Application Builder
  5. Select the Application where you wish to import the plug-in (plug-ins belong to an application, not a workspace)
  6. Access Shared Components > Component Settings
  7. Here select APEX Media Extension (AME) [Plug-in]
  8. Add you API key that you copied in step 2
  9. Click Apply
  10. Installation is now completed

Installation note:

To use the AME PL/SQL API you may need to configure your ACL (Access Control List) settings to allow access to: http(s)://api.apexmediaextension.com

How to use the AME Plug-in

Simply add a new region called AME (plug-in) on your APEX page.

APEX Plug-in and PL/SQL API

Finally you can set a fallback url in the AME plugin or the PL/SQL API. This can point to our AME Cloud or a server running in a different region when the primary URL fails.

Now the questions is how available you want AME to be :)